Embark on a journey with us as we delve into the complexities of the human mind,
allowing you to gain deeper insights and expertise to enhance your clinical practice.
Infinite Learning offers a comprehensive basic training program in EMDR therapy, which includes:
Our EMDR Basic Training is approved by the EMDR International Association. Graduates of our program are eligible to become members of EMDRIA and to pursue EMDRIA Certification. Our EMDR training combines adherence to Shapiro’s model, and utilizes a curriculum licensed from Dr. Andrew Leeds and Sonoma PTI, with the latest developments in neuroscience, interpersonal neurobiology, attachment theory, trauma, complex traumatization, polyvagal theory, and more. We strive to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date understanding of these subjects.
Pre-licensed and graduate students are eligible to enroll
Infinite Learning offers a discounted rate for pre-licensed clinicians enrolling in our EMDR therapy training. Both pre-grads and graduates can enroll by submitting a letter of support from their clinical supervisor and following the Pre-Licensed Applicant Instructions and Student Eligibility and Discount form on our registration page.
Diversity Statement
This is an equal opportunity training that offers you a supportive and inclusive space to learn. Everyone, no matter their age, gender or nationality can be successful in this course. People like you are joining from all over the world and we value this diversity. If you face economic barriers to enrolling, please contact us about a diversity scholarship.
Our lessons show, in detail, the entire process start to finish.
Our lessons show, in detail, the entire process start to finish.
Our lessons show, in detail, the entire process start to finish.
Embark on a journey with us as we delve into the complexities of the human mind, allowing you to gain deeper insights and expertise to enhance your clinical practice.
Overview of Activities:
Our training program consists of four two-day modules spaced over a twelve-week period. Each module is scheduled three to four weeks apart, allowing participants ample time to practice new skills and review course materials.
The training sessions include focused segments of lecture, practice, and consultation to optimize learning outcomes. Morning and afternoon breaks are provided for 15 minutes each, while lunch breaks extend to 75 minutes to accommodate participants’ needs.
I. The Foundations Of Working With Trauma And Dissociation.
II. Standardized assessment of symptoms.
III. Standardized assessment of dissociative symptoms and disorders.
IV. History and Overview of EMDR.
V. Overview of the eight phases of EMDR.
VI. Model, Method and Mechanism.
VII. How to conduct EMDR therapy via teletherapy.
I. Case formulation — Attachment theory as a foundation for EMDR treatment planning.
II. Principles and approaches to history taking in ASD, PTSD, Complex PTSD and DDNOS/DID.
III. Assessing Readiness for Reprocessing.
IV. Preparation phase
V. Didactic training and demonstration of methods of stabilization.
I. Review: history taking and targeting sequence.
II. Case examples of history taking and targeting sequence.
III. Phase three – assessment of the target to be reprocessed.
1. Image
2. Negative Cognition
3. Positive Cognition
4. Validity of Cognition
5. Emotion
6. SUD
7. Location
IV. Introduction to basic elements of phases four, five, six and seven.
I. Review: The assessment phase
II. Desensitization – Phase 4
III. Installation – Phase 5
IV. Body Scan – Phase 6
V. Closure – Phase 7
VI. Selecting clients for initial clinical application of EMDR reprocessing
VII. Standards for scope of practice during and after basic training in EMDR.
VIII. Video demonstrating Phases 3-7
I. Review of principles and procedures in phases four, five, six and seven.
II. Phase eight re-evaluation
III. Introduction to using EMDR with children and adolescents
IV. Introduction to maintaining and restoring effective reprocessing
I. Treating unconsolidated memories with the “recent events” protocol
II. Working with combat trauma and the military culture
III. Advanced topics in maintaining and restoring effective reprocessing
I. Treating somatic disorders and chronic pain with EMDR
II. Treating traumatic and complex grief with EMDR
III. Treating Specific Phobias with EMDR
IV. Treating panic attacks with and without agoraphobia
V. Protocols for substance abuse and compulsive behaviors
I. Working with survivors of incest, sexual abuse and early neglect.
II. Issues in working with severe DDNOS and DID
III. Completing the treatment plan in cases of PTSD
IV. The EMDR Community
V. The need for ongoing continuing education in EMDR and consultation.
VI. Systems issues
Insurance reimbursement and acceptance by agency clinical directors.
Adjunctive use of EMDR
EMDRIA member code of conduct
To register for the training, email us your supporting documentation. Please allow three business days for review and you’ll be notified of acceptance, including suggested reading and study materials. You’ll gain access to our learning management system, EMDR manual, and other resources to enhance your learning experience. If you need assistance, feel free to contact us at:
To avoid 2.15% fees using Eventbrite, you can pay by check to Infinite Learning, or by Zelle at payments@infinitelearning.love
Send check payments to Infinite Learning, 2563 S. Val Vista Dr. Suite 108, Phoenix, AZ 85295
If you cancel within 48 hours of registration, you’ll receive a full refund. Otherwise, a $100 USD processing fee applies. Cancellations within 15 days of training are non-refundable, but the fee can be transferred to a future training, minus the processing fee. Once training begins, no refunds or transfers are granted, except in extenuating circumstances. We may cancel the training, in which case fees will be refunded or forwarded to a future training.
This workshop is in compliance with the Americans Disabilities Act. Please contact 480-448-1076 if a special accommodation is required.
There are no known conflicts of interest for this workshop.
Certificates are awarded online after completion of the workshop. Participants print their own certificate after registering at CE-Classes.com, entering a keycode, and completing an evaluation form.
Licensed Professionals should contact their regulatory board to determine course approval.
Eligibility Licensed
To be accepted for the Infinite Learning basic training in EMDR therapy program, you must be licensed for independent practice as a mental health clinician or meet alternate EMDR International Association eligibility criteria.
Graduate students, post-graduate pre-licensed clinicians, and non-licensed clinicians must submit additional documentation with their application. See the “Non-Licensed Applicant Instructions” on the Registration Forms page.
I’m Kelly O’Horo and I’m so glad you’re here! Taking your professional development to the next level is exciting, brave, and challenging. I hope to make it an experience that is rich with honor, patience, and of course, growth! My intention is to bring a compassionate delivery while honoring your learning style. I’m excited you’ve chosen to take this journey with me! It may not only change your clinical practice, it just might transform your life!
“I thoroughly enjoyed learning and engaging in the process of new concepts. It really helped to see how to proceed based on sessions and helped alleviate my anxiety about this process.”
“Given that this was a virtual workshop, Kelly did an excellent job navigating the challenges of online training exceptionally well, and I would not have changed a thing.”
“Would love to have had more time hearing Kelly’s words of wisdom and some creative interviews and other language that is useful. Having a part two or a 2 day training would be great too. This is one of the best trainings I have been to! Thank you!”
“Amazing job! Thank you! Obtaining the variations was very helpful and setting up the psycho-education was excellent. Well done, thank you”
“Honestly, I found your manner of teaching and supervision to be hugely effective and very helpful…Your professional depth and amazing ability to connect and convey concepts has been invaluable. I have learned so much from you about EMDR and more. You have a gift.”
“Kelly has a great way of relating to us at the level of clinical experience we are at. It was very validating! She also provides such beautiful personal context to where she enters into the work. I felt very supported by her when my group had questions. She did reprocessing with me and I cannot begin to explain (l am still trying to find the words) how transformative that experience was.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed learning and engaging in the process of new concepts. It really helped to see how to proceed based on sessions and helped alleviate my anxiety about this process.”
“Given that this was a virtual workshop, Kelly did an excellent job navigating the challenges of online training exceptionally well, and I would not have changed a thing.”
“Would love to have had more time hearing Kelly’s words of wisdom and some creative interviews and other language that is useful. Having a part two or a 2 day training would be great too. This is one of the best trainings I have been to! Thank you!”
“Amazing job! Thank you! Obtaining the variations was very helpful and setting up the psycho-education was excellent. Well done, thank you”
“Honestly, I found your manner of teaching and supervision to be hugely effective and very helpful…Your professional depth and amazing ability to connect and convey concepts has been invaluable. I have learned so much from you about EMDR and more. You have a gift.”
“Kelly has a great way of relating to us at the level of clinical experience we are at. It was very validating! She also provides such beautiful personal context to where she enters into the work. I felt very supported by her when my group had questions. She did reprocessing with me and I cannot begin to explain (l am still trying to find the words) how transformative that experience was.”
Kelly's passion, experiences, support, and knowledge lit a fire in me to work smarter than harder for helping humans heal! I cannot imagine being a healer without using this experiential modality to help unlock the trauma that keeps people stuck. Thank you Kelly for helping me see a healthier and more efficient path before working and spending time learning on a less fruitful path! So grateful for her kindness and teaching!
This training has been amazing and has re-instilled my love for therapy. I feel more confident in myself as a clinician now that I have a modality of therapy that I feel confident using and has proven to work!
Kelly and Julie provided an exceptional training experience and I am so happy to have been EMDR trained with them as my trainer and facilitator.
Kelly is not only a gifted clinician but also a gifted teacher! The weekend exceeded my expectations!
The only feedback I have is that it felt like we were crunched for time. I know we had a lot of material to get through and Kelly did an excellent job navigating that...Kelly, Julie and Patrick were all incredibly responsive and open to questions. Also, I personally have a difficult time with technology. The beginning video to navigate the platform was great. I just had somewhat of a hard time with flipping back and forth between the different materials and prefer handwritten notes. Kelly was sensitive to differences in technological abilities, though, and open to helping with navigating that, too!
Kelly did a beautiful job of explaining complex science and providing examples to make the material make sense. This is an immense amount of information to absorb in such a short window of time. The pace was extremely fast; however, I am looking forward to continuing the layering/scaffolding of content and repetition for applying -- trusting the process.
I am so impressed with the trainer. She is a high-energy and enthusiastic instructor. I especially like the research and handouts I can use with clients. During both training days, we practiced basic EMDR skills, which I found very helpful.
This was an invaluable experience for me. I think you should keep with the same practice without changing.
Loved the video's and practicum exercises. I very much enjoyed being able to observe in real time utilization of scripts and BLS for reprocessing and installation. Furthermore, Kelly also checked in to see how we were doing and mindful of our time and state(s) of mind.
Kelly is awesome. I have enjoyed learning form her and hope to take more classes on EMDR with her.
Continuing with the theme, each bit of information I found helpful and the process of locating everything was seamless. I appreciate the simplicity behind navigating Canvas and access information. I really appreciate the effort and thought that went into preparing the training.
Great instructor, very knowledgeable and succinct. Please keep up the good work!
Facilitated by Kelly O’Horo. This 1 Day training includes 6 EMDRIA Credits and 11 custom laminates for office use.
Send payments to Infinite Learning, 2563 S. Val Vista Dr. Suite 108, Gilbert, AZ 85295
We will not cram upsells down your throat. Nobody has time for that.